We have gained many followers since the blog began in December 2014. In the spirit of looking back at this time of year, here is a “holiday sampler” of blog posts – many of which were authored early in the blog’s existence.
Happy holidays, and enjoy the “nibbles” of ideas, viewpoints, and challenges from the CELE blogging team.

Dan Bagley Turn to the Creative Conquerors
Michelle Bir Homeless Challenges: Magnanimity and Responsibility increases Effective Engagement
Brian Bowman Assessing Free Online Civic Engagement Tools – Three Examples
Shawn Colvin Active Engagement for a Common Cause
Emily Edmonds Engaging farmers: A Neglected Aspect of the Local Food Movement’s Community Engagement Strategy
Traci Ethridge Dare to Think Differently
Katy Harriger The University as Community Partner
Stephen Hopkins Partners Against Crime: Hard work in Durham for true citizen ownership
Rick Morse More Engagement Than We Give Credit For: The Case of Citizen Co-Producers
Jennifer Phillips Variety is the Spice of Government: Diversity & Inclusion
Kevin Smith Creating Sustainable Civic Participation
John Stephens Is there a sharp line between political protest and civic engagement?
Melody Warnick Three Reasons Why It’s Hard to Vote in Local Elections—and Why I’ll Vote Anyway